

Enjoyed a beautiful night outside around a fire with family and stopped on the way home out in the middle of nowhere to make this shot. The skies were so clear and perfect.




It's light in here with a mother gone away, things seem much brighter when you see it all in grey. Simple rhymes have been moving through my head lately, little things that a kid could write but something about them is so enjoyable, maybe an endless fascination with Dr. Seuss from when I was a child that engrained his flow into my head.Now Playing: White Collar - Parting Shots




“Is there some lesson on how to be friends?
I think what it means is that central to living
a life that is good is a life that's forgiving.
We're creatures of contact regardless of whether
we kiss or we wound. Still, we must come together.
Though it may spell destruction, we still ask for more--
since it beats staying dry but so lonely on shore.
So we make ourselves open while knowing full well
it's essentially saying "please, come pierce my shell.” 
― David Rakoff

The world is now more empty, another light has been turned out, another mind has gone away and left with so many wonderful things to say. Writer, artist and generally amazing person David Rakoff has passed away this month at the too soon age of 47.

If you've never experienced his work please do so, you will not regret it. With many books, essays and fantastic readings he has managed to convey passion and interest and will remain one of my favorite writers with pieces such as the one below about a man who finds himself turning into a cockroach and writes a letter to Dr. Seuss for help, the entire piece is written in rhyming couplets which adds something almost unspeakable to it all, please jump to 41:15 to hear it in the audio clip below.

 His three core books are Fraud, Don't Get Too Comfortable and Half Empty, find them and enjoy.

Now Playing: This American Life - Episode 470




I'm back on the horse and riding after a brief hiatus. Caught this little yearling relaxing in an orchard today as he followed his mother and little brother who were extremely peaceful as they lounged about.




The look of mushrooms is so exotic and random, like snowflakes or anything else that people normally consider unique and beautiful.Now Playing: Wilfred - Now



The Power of a Photo

Image courtesy of NASA and the Curiosity rover.
If you've been media blind then you may have missed the news that NASA recently landed a new rover on Mars that is equipped with more instruments and higher resolution cameras then ever before, this is resulting in some amazing images of Mars with clarity and detail never before seen by humans much less the public in general. I am a huge fan of the openness NASA has had with their missions as time goes on and seeing images like this makes my heart rate increase with thoughts and possibilities of a camera on Mars. 

That said the main reason I wanted to share in today of all days is because they have released a 360 degree pano of Mars that just takes your breath away, please go check it out and share in the curiosity.


Now Playing: These New Puritans - Drum Courts/Where Corals Lie



30 Days and 30 Nights in Queenstown with Trey Ratcliff

I've been following Trey's work for years now and he still has some of the most beautiful landscape images I have seen while continuing to create inspiring work every day.

This video is a time lapse created in Queenstown, New Zealand, a town that Trey recently relocated to from Texas. It has some very powerful music by the wonderful Hans Zimmer that ties into the images as well as adding to the dramatic effect and the clouds in the time lapse mesmerize me with how they just loiter around the mountains. The video itself is available all the way up to 4k quality so let the extreme clairity carry you away!


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It's been a very relaxed and busy week as I have gotten back from the first real vacation of my life and to be honest it was not at all what I expected and has really shaken a few of my views. I couldn't be happier to have things challenged as that is the quickest and sometimes only way to grow but it has left me in a bit of a slump with my compass needle spinning so I do not have an image to share with you today even though I did make a few while I was out, they are just not up to the quality of what I want to share here.

I'll leave you with a thought to share with me and maybe ponder the answer if there is one. What is a vacation if every day you live exactly how you want?



Now Playing: Angus Stone - Clouds Above

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Black Swan

The little tendrils coming out of this flower remind me of the feathers sprouting from Natalie Portman in the movie Black Swan, one of my favorite movies of the last 5 years, if you haven't seen it then go quickly to a Television and experience it.Now Playing: Scissor Sisters - Baby Come Home
